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Sphere on Spiral Stairs


Mindtronic AI provides wide range of in-cabin ECU and sub-systems

Smart Cockpit

Cockpit domain controller, instrument cluster, infotainment, zonal computing, AR-HUD

ECU & Sub-systems

DMS, ADAS, ISA, dashcam, and camera module for computer vision

Fleet Management

Cloud system, video telematics, GPS tracker, sensors and sensor fusion


Mindtronic AI provides auto-grade embedded software SDK for safety and UX innovations


DMS, drowsiness classifier, distraction detection, face ID, emotion recognition, age & gender recognition, eyeball tracking, gaze tracking, goal inference

Road vision

ADAS, vehicle classification, pedestrian detection, obstacle distance detection, lane segmentation, road sign recognition, sensor fusion

UI / UX Design Tools

Cross platform runtime engine, OTA, 3D renderer, perspective 3D renderer, particle animation, ray-tracing, inter-process interactions



1. Technology Partner

Mindtronic AI is the expert of machine learning, computer vision, image processing, and sensor fusion algorithms. We offered SDK and camera solutions for wide scope of automotive product and applications. 

2. Product ODM and System Integrator

Mindtronic AI is the professional hardware and system architect for spec. & resource budgeting, and is also the expert of embedded system & product integration that specialize in auto-grade hardware, software, and cybersecurity. We offer scalable and customized domain controller as well as the distributed zonal ECU sub-systems.

3. UI/UX tools & runtime-OTA

Mindtronic AI provides UI tools for domain controller. Developers can universally design UI for multiple displays and manage the UX interactions between different sub-systems. The tools also support runtime-OTA for car owners to customize their UI and UX via mobile Apps.

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