Performance 30-fps
Accuracy > 99%
Dimension 126*26*25

REGULATION (EU) 2019/2144
ISO21434 - Cybersecurity
Edge Computing
In production
Mindtronic AI DMS is an edge-computed vision system for driver status monitoring. The device is designed and manufactured in auto-grade standard. It can work standalone as a DMS only, or to integrate with vehicle dashboard, infotainment via built-in CAN bus interface.

Face ID
Age & gender

2023 regulation compliance
Mindtronic AI face SDK provides easy plug-n-play for HMI & personalization. The SDK includes highly secured facial recognition by 940nm infrared imaging so it works for both bright and dark environment. The face detector also classify a driver's facial expression, age, and gender for enabling automatic scenario play of HMI and user experience.

Performance > 30-fps
Deviation < 1mm
Memory < 15MB
< 1mm deviation
Mindtronic AI gaze SDK deliver fast and accurate eyeball movement and gaze point tracking. The SDK is robust against lighting variation, glasses reflection, and face occlusion, makes it ideal for determining driver's view angle for augmenting in AR-HUD. The SDK supports gaze saccade, fixation, owl, and lizard type gaze point inference.

Goal Inference
Performance > 30-fps
Accuracy > 95%
Memory < 10MB
Interest for moving object
Mindtronic AI goal inference SDK infer your interest and intention by learning from your face expression and gaze patterns. This is useful for anticipating driver's and passenger's interest point either for static object inside the cabin or moving object outside the cabin.
Supported System

Supported Platform